
Grant Innovative Funding​

The Process

Different benefits can be availed after joining us. Some are given below


30-min free consultation

This will get you a free 30-min consultation to identify the project eligibility for funding, to assess your project details, to propose the suitable grant funding opportunities and to find out the area which we can help you on your journey.


Grant Innovative Funding

Grant Funding journey is a competitive process, in which the project application forms will be assessed thoroughly before being awarded any money from the funding body.


Project Management

The funded projects can be managed by Inogrant. A delegated team will work on the project and claim management and take the responsibilities to meet the deadlines.


Project Partnership & Consortium

Every funding body has its own requirement and some require a mix of partners in order to fill its requirements, but finding the right partner is often easier said than done.

An independent consultancy, highly skilled and experienced

Assists organisations in accessing research and development grant funding across a range of UK and EU schemes and industry sectors.